
Friday, June 15, 2012

Open Yale Lecture 2

The Universal Principle of Risk Management: Pooling and the Hedging of Risks



It is interesting that the concept of probability and statistic were appeared relatively late in the history, after 17 century. Today's class reviewed all principals in mathematics aspect. 1) Independent theory 2) Multiplication theory 3) Sampling/Geometric average 4) variance/co-variance 5) Gaussian distribution 6) PV


1.     Historical introduction
1600 <
17 century
Probable …  trust worthy ness , in Shakespeare
Probability theory / sampling theory - Nala M.
Life table – insurance – ancient Rome
In Renaissance Italy – insurance policy started
Slow start of insurance in history  – due to no lack of probability concept, no clear meaning
Luck / Risk – the theory is away from this.

2.    Principals
P: Prob  0<= P <= 1  (basic)
·         Independent Theory

Independence  (Independent Event) 
·         Multiplication rule
P(A & B) = P(A) * P(B)
i.e. Fire in London
No risk of whole city burn down for insurance company
·         Binominal Distributor
F(x) = P^x (1-P) ^(n-x) n!/(n-x) !
# of accidents
·         Expected Value, Mean, Average
x : Random Variable

Population  E(x) = Myu x = (Sum i= 1-infinit) P(x-xi)xi
Average Sum(i=1-n) xi/n  
·         Sampling Ave.
·         G(x) = Geometric average  : multiply  all and ^1/n  -- Finance use to expect returns
  - lower number then E(x)
E(x) = Myu x = Integral –infinit to + infinit f(x)x dx
Variance Sigma S^2 Standard Deviation
·         Population Variance Var(x) = Sum P(x-xi_(xi-u)^2
S(x)^2 = Sum (x-xbar)^2/n – Sample variance
·         Covariance (2 random variables)
C(x,y) = Sum (xi -xbar)(yi -ybar)/n
Negative / positive
Move differently / move together
Corr -1 ~ <= P <= +1
·         Regression – Gauss
Y=Return on A Inc.
X= Return on MKT
Regression line
Alpha (Y(X0))  & Beta (slope)
A’s Performance  in the market
·         Normal Distribution – Gaussian distribution
Bell Shape Curve
Fat Tailed distribution = lots of returns
(+) Right tail / (-) Left tail
·         Present Values PV
·         Console or Perpetuity

  • Annuity
  • Utility function 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bus595 Open Yale Lecture 1

Open Yale 1st Lecture by Professor Shiller

Introduction to the course


What is the purpose of finance? In general, people tend to think it is about how to make money. In a certain extent it is true. Professor Shiller repeatedly emphasized that it is not only making money but the technique/technology/method to make things happen in large scale, has power to change the world in better way. 

What are the elements of good finance people? They know how to make the things happen, have effects to the society, have a sense of philanthropy, and at last, are hard-working. These are the gifted talents not many people have.

My understanding is that finance is to keep the world and life normal, has power to make big things happen. However we must watch out “business without ethics”


  • Basic / Undergraduate can take
  • Market = Real world, practical, society, more general than trading
  • Financial Market = structure, large scale, resource allocation, ventures, returns, managing risk
  • Details: how thing work, make things happen (large scale), banking insurance securities, crisis, future
  • US / World
  • Open-Yale free class 2008/2011
  • Need Mathematics but minimum
  • Self-contained
  • 6 TAs for this course (not for open Yale)
  • Purpose: Do things to the world.  Finance = Fundamental of the sciety.  Not making money.  Technology to do things. Engineering. Social science aspects. 
  • About textbooks
  • Career oriented
  • Finance among occupations
  • Importance of Financial technique
  • Forbs 400 richest people = … ‘0’ business
  • Finance == Making things happen. Getting capital mass scale
  • i.e. Andrew Carnegie == steel company, essay, 55+, business (make things happen)
  • Elements of good business/finance people:  Practical  Hard working  Gifted
  • Outlines for all lectures 

About bus 595 Special Topic: finantial market

Why I am taking this class and what I expect

Unlike other courses, this CALMAT course is utilizing one of the online courses so called Open Course Wave by Yale University. This will be a new case study for CALMAT in this semester. As I glanced the site briefly, they are many kinds of lectures in different fields of study in Yale Univ. I did not know that such courses can be taken by free in the internet.  CALMAT is really up-to-date in finding good things as the educator. The main reason I am taking this course is that it has been reviewed and  recommended by the CALMAT professor especially for MBA level students. The course must have a lot of  useful information to study. Also we will have the ULearn online forum so I would expect the study will have a certain degree of interaction among students then stimulating my mind regarding the topics. (-- not real time, but it is OK)

Open Course Wave – Yale University
Course #: ECON 252 (2011)  

There are many other courses I might be interested anyway.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Android App Demo - My Grand -


Learn how to allocate 2D graphic on the screen
Learn how to integrate activities with Key stroke
Learn how to integrate audio files to application

Class name: MyGrand  inherits Activity
è Access to key pad, audio methods (utilities)
Class name: KeyView inherits View
è allows access to all 2D methods

User Interface 

Key Definitions and 2D Interface
  • MyGround-Activity OnKeyDown() method  is the handler
  • When a Key pad (A-H) is pressed, it shades the location of the key in 2D.
  • Piano Keys     Middle C-High C are mapped to: C,D,E,F,G,A,B,H

Audio Interface 

MyGround-Activity OnKeyDown() method  is the handler

When a Key pad (A-H) is pressed, it makes the sound of selection.
Successfully tested with the following format
WAV (Windows XP)

Does not compatible with

Need Recoding Software
Sound Recorder (Windows accessories)

Future Enhancement Ideas

Play list
Browse files on the handset
Upload the file on App
Register in play list and play
Key extension
Support 67 keys
Display music notes