
Friday, July 27, 2012

Open Yale Lecture 8

Human Foibles, Fraud, Manipulation, and Regulation


Today’s topic was Regulation.

1.                Wishful thinking – i.e. Election, game, investment
2.                Attention Anomalies  - Social bases,
3.                Anchoring
4.                Representativeness Heuristic
5.                Gambling behavior
6.                Magical thinking   - BF Skinner
7.                Quasi Magical thinking  Shafir + Tversky

Temptations of Market
1.                Oversell
2.                Hide info
3.                Loyalty to friends

Louis Brandeis
1914 Other people’s money
Disclosure of truth

ð  States “Blue Sky Laws”

1920s Telephone  spread
Boiler Rooms
1934 Securities  + Exchange Commission  (SEC)   
                        Business ßà SEC

William O Douglas
“Democracy and Finance” 1940  - Finance for people
Legal Realism

Public + Private Securities

Public Company à Must disclose info (Regulation by  Edgar

Hedge Fund – Private investment company  -- Low profile

99 investors
Accredited investors

500 investors
Qualified purchasers

Insider + Outsider
Regulation FD - 2000 … Full Disclosure - SCC
Market Surveillance

1995 IBM – Lotus … Insider trading

Financial Accounting regulation
Standard Board FASB - 1975
Net Income
Operating income

Other Standards
Core earning
Pro form

Balance Sheet : Asset T Liabilities
Off-balance sheet accounting … Enron Corp
                … Remove risky investment from the balance sheet by putting them in balance sheet of child/dummy companies
SIV – Structured Investment Vehicles

Securities Investor protection Corporation  - 1970

FDIC Fed Dep Ins Corp – 1934
Currently $100,000

Conclusion: Need to keep improving regulation to protect small investors.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Open Yale Lecture 7

Behavioral Finance: The Role of Psychology


Newer revolution of finance

Behavioral finance = Reaction against to 1) Mathematical finance 2) Efficient market

Over confidence

Kahneman + Tversky
Prospect Theory  (1979)
How people make choices
Replaces Expected Utility Theory  
Weighting Function
Distort probability

Expected Util Theory çà Prospect Theory
Mental Compartment 


If coin is head – you get $200
If coin is tail – you pay $100
Probability 50% Gain > Loss
Would people buy the rotary ticket?

Today’s topic was behavioral finance.

The theory is replacing the previously presented theories such as 1) Math modeling of expected returns 2) Efficient market hypothesis – information based random algorithms
Behavioral finance theory in another word, prospect theory (Daniel Kahneman et all won Nobel Prize) claims that market behavior (decision making of buy-sell) is heavily incorporated with individual physiologic effect between returns and probability and then it can be modeled as a curve with a reference point. Figure 1 has the reference point in probability so the returns becomes flat after the point.

Cumulative prospect theory 

This is also by Kahneman. For the 2nd figure, buyers’ decision depends on prospect of probability/risk (individual feeling you might win or not) and return is not linear but discrete as shown.  The figure shows people seemed to over react for 2 extreme cases of probability but does not change reaction much for mid probabilities.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Open Yale Lecture 6

Efficient Markets vs. Excess Volatility


Efficient Markets:
Harry Roberts (1967)
Market price incorporated with:
Weak Form – info on past prices
Semi Strong – all public info
Strong – all info 

Random Walk Theory 

Random Walk Theory for Stock Market  - Karl Person
  Xt = Xt-1 + Et
  Et : Noise

  News (about values) appeared randomly so it creates fluctuation noise) --> stock price up/down as random walk

The First Order Auto-regressive Model 

y = a+bx+u

è Forecast of Stock Market 


First the class talked about what is efficient market. (Market is a price of something. For instance, stock price) There are some definition historically but one talked was by Harry Roberts (1967). The theory models the types of information and based on them, efficient market is classified to weak, semi strong, and strong. For example, "Strong efficiency" is depends on all information available. Normally stock market is semi-strong (means depending on public info) 

Next the class discussed prediction (of price behavior in the market) as a security. 2 algorithms (math formulas) such as Random walk and Auto regression, were introduced and these theories has been not  only applied for economics but also applied to predict any natural random phenomenon under study. However in my opinion, the application of these theory seemed to be difficult and as professor Shiller himself said, not many are succeeded. (If easy, too many rich people?) This was one of HW for Yale students and I thought it is really hard -_-);;

Monday, July 23, 2012

Open Yale Lecture 5



Insurance = A risk management device ßà security
Equity Premium Puzzle
Puscott + Mehra
(positive) 4% premium (US)
Selection Bias
Stock Market disruption                               Russia + China
Corporate profit tax, personal income tax
Dividends 90% WWII
Risk Pooling -à Independent  x: num of accidents n: policies p: prob of accidents
F(x) = binominal distribution
Mean(x/n) = p
Sigma(x/n) = Root{p(1-p)/n}
Normal Approximation
Bell shape curve
Probability theory
Insurance as Invention
Contract design
Risks and Exclusions (moral hazard and selection bias)
Mathematical model
Corporate or Mutual
Government regulation
Classifying of Insurance companies
Multiline / Mono-line
Property + casualty $1.4 Trillion
                Automobiles >> home owners
Life $4.9 Trillion 


The concept of insurance was invented as early in 17C. Now a day the concept became very important to secure one's family and properties, but its growth has been very slow. The problem was mainly in early history, insurance companies could not sell their products to the customers (especially life insurance was rejected, was thought bad luck? Did not sound right, etc.). So historically insurance companies’ efforts were 1) how to convince customers in nice way 2) how to prevent from canceling. Eventually they developed more attractive policies such as the insurance with cash values. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Open Yale Lecture 4

Portfolio Diversification and 

Supporting Financial Institutions


Portfolio can help hardship
Part of risk management
Capital asset and pricing model
Correction of assets = portfolio (à portfolio management)
Return vs. variance
n independent assets
Sigma = Std dev of return
r = expected return
Square root rule
Sigma_portfolio = sigma/square(n)
Equally Weighted
r_portfolio = r
Two Asset Case: n = 2 not independent
Asset1 r1= E(return1) Sigma1 = Std dev(return1)
Asset 2 r2 = E(return2) Sigma2 = Std dev(return2)
Cov(r1, r2) = Sigma12
X1 = in asset 1
1-X1 in asset 2
X2= 1-X1

Portfolio Exp return
r = SUM(xiri) = x1rx + x2r2 = x1r1+(1-x1)r2
x1 = (r-r2)/(r1-r2) 

Riskless asset
Sigma_f = 0: straight line
Tangency portfolio
The tangency portfolio combines the optimal combination of risky assets with a risk-free asset.

Mutual fund theorem
Capital asset pricing model
Tobin, Sharpe, Lintner, Markowls
Assume everyone is rational, holds tangency portfolio.
Tangency portfolio = Actual market portfolio

r1=rf + Bi*(rm-rf)

rm: expected ret on market portfolio


Financial modeling has been researched and invented for part of risk management. The result from these equations can be useful information for decision making of investors whether they should invest. Efficient frontier (Harry Markowitz and others) which is a concept in modern portfolio theory has been explained mainly. The figure of Standard [Deviation vs Expected Returns] is explained. Top straight line of the hyperbola is called “efficient Frontier” and it has optimum returns for the investment under the given set of risks.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Open Yale Lecture 3

Technology and Invention in Finance


History of finance is copies of various invention (in the world) to manage long term risk

Need Invention
Long term risk theme (for risk management)
Backus Kchoe
(Perfect) Correlation of Consumption -> elimination of risk
Socialism – R. Owen
Moral hazard problem
(Complete) Sharing, risk sharing, equality  
Karl Marcus
ð  Public finance
Tax and welfare system (government) è Worked (Invention)
History of Taxes
Income Tax during civil war, progressive tax  (Invention)
Insurance (good invention)
Framing issue: Money Frame, money terms
Real Frame – Index to price
IT à economic dislocation and opportunities
Insurance Policy as invention, must exclude hazard cases to make it works
Develop statistics
Topics: Wheel, Patent (examples of innovation)
19C IT innovation for financial opportunity
Paper (mass-production) è record keeping
Carbon paper, typewriter, standardized forms, civil service, firms, postal service
Social security (Germany) over 100 years old


Historically human has been trying to find a way for (financial) risk management. The process went through trial-and-error. Ones very success are considered innovations which are for instance, tax and welfare, income tax, insurance, money framing, and social security. The financial system development were also closely related and depending on IT development in the era. (i.e. Paper->Carbon paper->Printing technology->Postal service-> etc. etc. -> Computers/Database so on)